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Inscription Consular form of Cape Verdean
Português (pt-PT)Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)French (Fr)
Home Information on procedures Cape Verdean Consular registration

Inscription Consular form of Cape Verdean

  1. It is desirable that all resident Cape Verdean abroad seek the Consular registration at the Embassy or Consulate that corresponds to the constituency where. It is the first step to prove their status to legal effects.
  2. In the case of minor children, will be the father or the mother who must apply for registration, if they are under its authority.
  3. The fact of not being registered with the consular registry office, without prejudice, in any case, the right to consular protection corresponding to any citizen.

Term of registration and documents to submit

  1. The application for registration must be filed within thirty days of the arrival in the country, presenting the passport in force.
  2. However, the Cape Verdean who, living in a country exranjero are not registered in the corresponding consular registry for lack of notification on arrival, can regularize their status by formulating a request and stating their identity and nationality with the passport, copy of birth certificate or any other travel document that emerged from Cape Verde.
  3. When the applicant lacks official documentation Cape Verdean certainly should request certified verbatim report of birth.